The California Policy Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CPCIDD) is a non-partisan, non-profit think tank established to inform, support, and improve upon statewide policies that impact the lives of people with IDD. The Center’s mission is to serve as a conduit between individuals with IDD, families, advocates, experts, stakeholders, and the various branches of California’s Government for trusted policy insights and the impacts of policies, funding, services, and research on the IDD community.
The Center conducted a strategic planning process with its Board of Directors and staff to develop its identity, role, and priorities for the next three years. The process included two sessions with questions and topic areas for discussion, as well as input from stakeholders and experts in the field. The process resulted in the following strategic priorities for the Center:
policy research & analysis
The Center will conduct objective, evidence-based research and analysis on key policy issues affecting the IDD community, such as access, quality, equity, and innovation of services and supports. The Center will also monitor and evaluate the implementation and outcomes of existing and new policies, programs, and initiatives, and provide recommendations for improvement and best practices.
policy education
The Center will disseminate its research findings and policy recommendations to the IDD community, the legislature, the DDS, and other interested stakeholders through various channels, such as reports, briefs, webinars, podcasts, speaker series, newsletters, and social media.
policy innovation & collaboration
The Center will foster policy innovation and collaboration by identifying and promoting emerging and promising practices, models, and policy recommendations for the IDD community. The Center will also facilitate dialogue and partnership among diverse stakeholders, such as individuals with IDD, families, advocates, service providers, researchers, policymakers, and funders, to address common challenges and opportunities, and to leverage collective resources and expertise.
The Center’s core values of integrity, impact, and inclusion will guide its work and operations, and ensure that it is responsive, accountable, and respectful to the needs and interests of the IDD community and its partners. The Center’s vision is to be a trusted and influential policy center that advances the rights, dignity, and well-being of people with IDD in California.
The CPCIDD strategic planning process resulted in the following four focus areas for CPCIDD:

Direct Support Professional (DSP) Workforce
CPCIDD will address the complexities of the DSP workforce shortages, such as recruitment, retention, training, compensation, and recognition, and provide policy recommendations to improve the quality and availability of DSPs for people with IDD.

CPCIDD will assist with gathering accurate data on the projected need and availability of housing for people with IDD, and identify the various factors that impact housing, such as affordability, accessibility, choice, and community integration.

CPCIDD will identify the barriers and facilitators to employment of people with IDD, such as funding, incentives, expectations, and supports.

Early Start Services
CPCIDD will study the issue of children in foster care who may not be able to access or benefit from Early Start services, which are designed to enhance the development of infants and toddlers with disabilities.
educate legislators
CPCIDD is a non-profit organization that must conform to the restrictions associated with political activity and lobbying. However, CPCIDD is permitted to educate the legislature on issues of importance to the IDD community.
- CPCIDD can inform the legislature about all the related problems/policy issues related to housing.
- Develop an “all things” IDD policy brief.
- Educate legislators and develop their knowledge related to issues within the IDD community.
next steps
The strategic plan will serve as a blueprint for the CPCIDD Board and Staff as they work together to identify specific goals, objectives, and strategies to implement the overall strategic plan as well as each of the identified focus areas.