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Olwyn Brown

Member of Carpenters
Board Vice President

Olwyn Brown is a 25-year member of Carpenters local #713 in Hayward California. She serves as a Board Member of both Retention Apprentice Mentoring Program (RAMP) and Tradeswomen, Inc. where she focuses on workers who need support to succeed in apprenticeship, mentor peer relationships, group dynamics and comprehensive retention support. Tradeswomen, Inc. was one of California’s first organizations for women in the trades industry and continues to be one of the most active and effective organizations in the nation, focused exclusively on the needs of women in skilled trades.  Olwyn recently became a council member of the California Policy Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (CPCIDD). This Center was “Established to take a strategic research and evidence-based approach to identify critical issues and program strengths with the system serving people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. (IDD).”  Ms. Brown teaches carpentry for Jobs Corps Treasure Island in San Francisco, California. She graduated from Laney College in the Fall of 2022. She plans to transfer to a UC.

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