CPCIDD Board Member Quotes and Thoughts in Celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
“The issue of disability has touched both my professional and personal life as an advocate for people with disabilities and with me navigating the world with Cerebral Palsy.
Our policy work and advocacy are crucial to breaking down barriers for people with disabilities. We should all have access to equal opportunities and resources. The world’s adaptiveness and inclusivity significantly impact whether I or anyone else with a disability can thrive. We have come a long way, but there is still much work to be done for people with disabilities.”
Azucena Garcia-Ferro
“The work we do in policy is important, as it is the first step of changing public perception of people with IDD and is necessary for the realization that the IDD community has something to offer.”
Sean Spence
“I make art to be an encouragement and inspiration to myself and others. I love when I can inspire others to live and to discover wonder in themselves.”
Charles Blackwell (he/him/his) an inspiring quote from a disabled artist shared by Board member Olwyn Brown
“It’s not about celebrating disabilities, it’s about celebrating abilities.”
Chris Burke, American Actor this quote was highlighted by Board member Bob Giroux
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