Part of the answer, at least for me, is that there are so many different definitions of “opportunity”:
Oxford English Dictionary
A set of circumstance that make it possible to do something
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
1) A favorable juncture of circumstances, or 2) a good chance for advancement or progress
Cambridge Dictionary
An occasion or situation that makes it possible to do something that you want to do or have to do, or the possibility of doing something
The above are just a few of the definitions I came across in my search for opportunity. The important thing about opportunity is that it takes at least two parties and in the IDD community, we are fortunate to have so many self-advocates offering all of us the opportunity to learn from and be positively impacted by them.
The relationship that exists in the context of opportunity demonstrates the importance of people working together, not just to remove obstacles but also to forge new paths to success, happiness, and achievement. Each definition is different but so is each opportunity. My personal favorite is the Merriam-Webster definition because I read it in a way that places the emphasis on favorable, advancement or progress – all of which celebrate the positives of people working together to create a world of opportunity. I hope you enjoy our Special Edition Newsletter in celebration of Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month.