Dear Friend,
As the year comes to a close, we want to thank you for your support of the California Policy Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (CPCIDD). Because of your subscription to our newsletter, engagement with us at conferences, site visits and on social media, and responses to our various outreach efforts, we have been able to successfully launch a brand new nonprofit and accomplish some of the major goals of the year, including:
- Assembling a stellar Board of Directors
- Defining our goals and focus for next year through a moderated strategic planning process
- Being invited to conduct research and analysis on:
- A voluntary license identifier to support people with disabilities during encounters with law enforcement.
- Engagement with academic institutions on healthcare provider education and supporting people with IDD through their health care delivery practices.
- The challenges people with IDD face in finding decent, affordable, appropriate housing and some best and emerging practices to identify solutions.
Your time and engagement has made a difference and I am asking you now to consider making a financial gift that will extend and expand your impact.
Projects currently underway that your gift will support include:
Projects underway include:
- A partnership with the California Retailers Association, National Retailers Foundation, and local community-based IDD employment vendors to create a demonstration project to train and job-coach IDD adults in in-store and warehouse workforce.
- Personal and ongoing discussions with IDD consumers, parents, and service providers to determine what is effective and what could work better.
- Applying CPCIDD’s strategic plan to focus in 2024 on:
- IDD Employment
- DSP Workforce elevation, training, support, accountability, and recognition
- Housing
- Early Start
As we look ahead to the new year, we face impending challenges to our economy and state budget, potentially impacting the supports and services critical to our community and even a possible halt or rollback of the gains we have made together. That’s why we need your help once again.
Will you consider making a special year-end gift to CPCIDD?
We are about to launch our online donation page on our website, and you can be one of the first partners in our journey.
Your donation will help us continue our important work. Every dollar counts, and no gift is too small. If you could consider an ongoing monthly gift, that would go even farther in helping us plan effectively.
To make your donation by check today, please make your check payable to CPCIDD and mail it to 1121 L Street, Suite 612, Sacramento, CA 95814.
If you would prefer the convenience of making an online donation, please keep your eye on your email inbox for the announcement of the launch of our donation page.
Please make your gift before December 31st to receive a tax deduction for this year.
Thank you for being a part of our CPCIDD family. We appreciate your generosity and your commitment to our mission. Together, we can make a positive difference in our little corner of the world.
Don Perata
CA State Senate President Pro-Tem Emeritus
Co-Founder, California Policy Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.